We’ll be playing three – count them – three full albums from the 1970′s, a period of great experimentation and development in Brazilian music. We’ll start with Celia‘s 1971 debut album, which included arrangements by Rogerio Duprat, better known for his work with Os Mutantes.
Track List:
1. 0:00 Blues
2. 5:10 No Clarão Da Lua Cheia
3. 7:39 Durango Kid
4. 10:26 David
5. 13:06 To be
6. 15:45 Abrace Paul McCartney
7. 18:05 Pelo Teletipo
8. 20:40 Adeus Batucada
9. 24:30 Para Lennon e McCartney
10. 28:08 Zozóio-Como É Que É
11. 30:20 Fotograma
Then, we will travel to the south of Brazil to hear the regional sound of Os Tápes in their 1975 album Canto da Gente .
01. 0:00 Dança Da Lagoa Do Sol (José Waldir S. Garcia)
02. 2:08 Carreta (Jorge L. Ferreira e Acy T. Ferreira)
03. 5:55 Janaíta (Cláudio Boeira Garcia e José Waldir S. Garcia)
04. 9:53 Versos Perplexos (Cláudio Boeira Garcia e Jorge L. Ferreira)
05. 13:29 Cheraçar Y Apacuy (Cláudio Boeira Garcia)
06. 19:06 Gauchê (Cláudio Boeira Garcia e Rafael Koller)
07. 21:43 Homens De Preto (Paulo Ruschell)
08. 25:07 Pedro Guará (Cláudio Boeira Garcia e José Cláudio Machado)
09. 28:24 Barqueiro (Cláudio Boeira Garcia)
10. 31:45 Canto Da Gente (Álvaro B. Cardoso e José Waldir Garcia)
11. 35:07 Continente Americano (Cláudio B. Garcia)
Finally, we will regale our ears with Brazilian Progressive group Terreno Baldio‘s Alem Das Lendas Brasileiras released in 1977.
00:00 . Caipora
02:40 . Saci-Pererê
05:55 . Passaredo
08:53. Primavera
12:20 . Lobisomem
17:46 . Curupira
22:50 . As Amazonas
26:35 . Iara
30:12 . Negrinho do Pastoreio
Bem Brasil with Will Crawford is a Native Alternative Production.
Listen Live 6-8 PM Pacific Standard Time on FCCFreeRadio.com , Studio 1A
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