A Student of Nadia Boulanger, his music combines various traditional Brazilian music styles in a personal and very original way. In the second hour, we will focus on other great instrumental groups and performers, so be sure to tune in today from 6-8 PM in Studio 1A!
Track List:
Hour #1:
1) Baiao Malandro
3) Educacao Sentimental (W/ Wanderlea)
4) Apesar de Tudo (W/ Joyce)
5) Bodas de Prata
6) Raga
7) Feliz Ano Novo
8) Calypso (W/ Marlui Miranda)
9) As Primaveras
10) Carmo/Hino do Carmo/ Ruth
Hour #2:
1) Mixing - Airto
2) God and The Devil In The Land of the Sun
3) Canto Geral - Quarteto Novo
4) Bebe - Hermeto Pascoal
5) Cao Xango - Sansa Trio
6) Choro Academico - Nonato Luiz, Djalma Correa, Luiz Alves
7) Andanca - Tema 3
8) Tensao - Sansara Trio
9) Arroio - Luiz Avellar, Nico Assumpcao, Kiko Freitas
10 - Saci Perere - Rildo Hora
11 - Insensatez - Banda Mantiqueira
12 - Urubu Malandro - Radames Gnattali Sexteto
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Bem Brasil with Will Crawford is a Native Alternative Production.
Listen Live 6-8 PM Pacific Standard Time on FCCFreeRadio.com , Studio 1A
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