Sunday, June 8, 2014

BBR #94, Featuring Elba Ramalho! A Feast For The Senses Awaits You!

It's June, and that means that the Festas Juninas are well on their way. Since, one can't have this event without Forró, it stands to reason that today's Bem Brasil Radio should be dedicated to the Queen of Forró, the sensuous and talented Elba Ramalho!

In the second hour, we will feature many other great artists related to Elba, including her cousin, the equally popular and successful singer/songwriter Zé RamalhoWhether you tune in live or download the program (heck, why not do both?), This is a show you will not want to miss! 

Track List:

Hour#1: Elba Ramalho Special

1) Bate Coracao
2) Do Jeito Que a Gente Gosta
3) Jogo de Cintura
4) Eu Quero o Meu Amor
5) De Volta Pro Meu Aconchego (w/ Dominguinhos)
6) Chao de Giz (w/ Ze Ramalho)
7) Paisagem da Janela
8) Na Base da Chinela
9) Ai Que Saudade de Oce
10) Banho de Cheiro
11) Beija Flor (w/ Ze Ramalho)
12) Paralelas

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Bem Brasil with Will Crawford is a Native Alternative Production. 
Listen Live 6-8 PM Pacific Standard Time on , Studio 1A
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